Travel Win

So I just booked my ticket home for my brother’s wedding. If you recall, this was one of the goals I set for myself for the month of September. Here’s the fail first. I thought I was living frugally, but turns out my money was walking away from me. I thought I was going to have a little over $300 to be able to buy this ticket at the end of this pay cycle. However, I have no idea what happened (I think this could be a theme for my blog, because it isn’t the first time it’s happened). I ended up with only $162.00 at the end of my pay cycle. That will absolutely not buy me a ticket to SoDak. It wouldn’t even pay for half. Guh.

So anyways, a co-worker suggested I try to use my miles. I didn’t think I had enough, but I thought I decided to check anyways. Turns out your miles don’t expire at the end of the year, so I still had all these miles left over from last year. And so, ladies and gentleman, I was able to purchase a ticket home for a mere 25,000 miles and $10.00. WIN! I am so excited about this.

I am so excited that I even let myself download an album on iTunes. If I’ve learned nothing else, it’s that these little tiny purchases add up. So I am super strict about what I download and how many times I buy coffee, etc. But not to worry, I didn’t buy a brand new album. I would never let myself spend $12.99 on new music, ha! So I downloaded the old Mumford and Sons for $9.99. Always in search of the deal, I am 🙂

So now, all of my expenses for the wedding are covered. I just have to have a blouse made for my bridesmaid’s sari, which should only be around $50.00. Thank God. I can finally start making payments on my credit card again. I only have around $1800 left, so let’s get ‘er done!!!

I love that my loyalty to this crappy airline has finally paid off. I still have two more trips this year, not counting my flight home for the wedding. I know there are people out there who travel way more than me. But I have never traveled so frequently in my life. I will have over 25,000 just this year. Kinda cool, right? Whatevs.


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