I have a dream

I decided to start a page dedicated to the things I want to do/buy when I finally get out of debt and AFTER I save my 6 month emergency fund. This page is mostly to keep me motivated, but also to entertain my readers. After all, I’m pretty hilarious.

1. So this post is dedicated to Laser Hair Removal. Because, let’s face it, I’m kinda hairy. I am probably the missing link. I should go to the Smithsonian to see if they’ll pay me to prove evolution to be true. I mean, it comes with the genetic make up of being South Indian. In 6th grade, a boy who shall remain nameless made fun of me in the lunch line for my mustache. “Hey Sam, you want to borrow my Remington?” Jack wad.  Whatev…I grew up to be pretty hot. And he grew up to go to jail…sweet Karma. Apart from the emotional trauma, I actually think this is a solid investment in saving time and money. I know it’s generally around $5,000 to do your entire body, but I’ve probably already spent more than that in my short lifetime on waxing, shaving and threading.

2. I really like the idea of being able to pay cash for a car. No loan, no car payment. Just roll up to the dealer, drop a suitcase of bennies and bounce. Don’t get me wrong, I really like my little civic that I drive around now. Dave Ramsey says that millionaires rarely drive brand new cars. They buy them 1-2 years old and pay cash. I totally want to be able to do that one day. I don’t know much about cars, but the VP in my office drives an Audi and it looks like a batman car. I kinda want one. I’ll probably get to the point where I’ll pay cash for a car just to say I paid cash for a car. And I’m okay with that.

3. I will get lasik surgery on my eyes. I am so sick of contacts and contact solution. I can’t imagine that putting something that adheres to my eye ball every day and taking out every night can be good for them. But I refuse to be one of those hipster girls with the square frames every day that dares the world to call her four eyes.. so I’m dealing with the contacts for now.

4. My apartment is gross. The carpet is in horrible condition, our front room gets almost zero sunlight during the day, we only have one parking space between the two of us, and there’s only one washer/dryer for our entire building. And, it’s in the garage in a room with a 6 foot ceiling covered in asbestos. Also, the buildings are really close together and there’s zero insulation, so I am currently listening to my upstairs neighbor roll around on his stupid roller chair and pull out drawers and shut them. And also my neighbor in the building next to me is fighting with her boyfriend. But don’t worry…they are about to get it on. I never went to law school, but I recognize a pattern of behavior when I see it. But on the bright side, it’s super cheap and in a really great location, so it’s hard for me to leave. However, the day I am able to afford a better place…I am getting the hell out.

5. Speaking of gross apartments. I am truly embarrassed of how not put together it is. I don’t own a headboard or nightstand, I never painted the walls, I don’t have window fixtures and almost everything in the apt is hung crookedly. I feel like at least, my bedroom and bathroom, look like a divided identity couldn’t decide whether they were a woman with good taste or just really cheap. Actually it makes sense that it looks that way because I am a woman with good taste who is forcing herself to be incredibly cheap. I never decorated my place the way I wanted to because it’s such a crap hole. So, I truly can not wait to find a place that I love and then wander the aisles of West Elm and Pottery Barn finding the perfect wall hangings, rugs and furniture. But, I just can’t justify spending money on things like this when my priority is to get out of debt. So, I’ve resigned myself to living like a 23 year old boy until I either get a significant pay raise or become debt free. Truth.

4 responses to “I have a dream”

  1. Jocelyn Haugen says :

    OMG I just saw number 1 and couldn’t help but laugh my brown friend 🙂 You’re H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S

  2. Jasper of Puppets says :

    You’re talking about an Audi R8. Sickness. MSRP: $115K. Let’s go halfsies–I’ll take it on odd numbered days and you can have it on even numbered days and Ash Wednesday.

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  1. I have a dream « Braving the adventure of Los Angeles - February 26, 2012

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