
I have about $200.00 left until I get paid. This is because I have been eating out a ton. My justification is that it’s been too bloody hot to cook. But this heat has cost me a crap ton of money. It’s gotta stop. I did go grocery shopping so I have plenty at home. It’s just that I have to cook it all, and that brings me back to my original point of it being too bloody hot for cooking.

Anyways, if I want to keep the money that I just put in savings, in savings, I have to get my act together!

Also, I think I mentioned a bill for a procedure I had done like 2 years ago, and just got a bill 2 months ago. Well I’ve been fighting stupid UCLA health and I am losing. Those bastards. I should have only been responsible for my co-pay, which I paid at the time of my appointment. They forgot to file a claim to my insurance and since it’s been so long, my insurance is like, no dice. So now UCLA thinks I should pay it! I’m sorry, what? It’s for $450.00. I just think this is incredibly unfair.

So if I end up paying this, it will set me back considerably. I also have to pay my car registration, which is about $200.00.

It’s always so frustrating to me when I feel like something will be easy (ish) and it’s not. Oh well…I’ll get there.

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