One year down, a lifetime to go.

Hello dear readers,

I’ve kept this blog for about a year. August of 2012 marks my 1 year anniversary since making my commitment to becoming debt free and taking control of my finances. I can truly say I’ve made a lot of progress when it comes to checking my bank account and working through the fear and anxiety I’ve had in relation to my money.

Over the past year, I’ve had a lot of people reach out to show their support of my blog and my financial journey. And I have to say, it means the world to me when someone tells me that they read my blog. To  me it’s like they are telling me, “I am cheering you on! Keep it up!” I’ve also had people tell me, “Wow, I can’t believe you put all of it out there.” or “I feel like I know too much.”

Well, that makes sense. I knew the only way I would be able to keep myself accountable is if I kept people informed. And the only way anyone would read this stupid blog is if I kept it honest and genuine. I think that’s why it’s been so successful this far. And I understand, money is really personal. Not everyone is comfortable discussing their debt in such candor. There are a lot of emotions attached to money, including shame, guilt, anxiety, etc. I have experienced all of them at multiple times in this journey.

And I also understand that because my blog is so open, someone could probably figure out how much money I make in a month, or what my monthly expenses are. I am not embarrassed by this at all. I work hard for my money. I don’t spend extravagantly. Could I have made better decisions in my past? Absolutely. But I can’t take it back now. I can only control how I handle my finances moving forward.

At any rate, for those of you who are simply appalled that I could discuss my money matters in such an open forum,  I say to you, don’t read it.

And to everyone else who has called, texted, emailed, commented or subscribed, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could not have gotten through this first year with out the overwhelming support I have received from all of you! I am just as committed to this difficult and scary journey as I was the day I started it.

Financial Freedom – you will be mine.

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